Wednesday, October 7, 2015

1st Grade Letter Paintings

1st Grade Initial Paintings
Class Periods:  4, 40 minute classes
Supplies: Styrofoam canvasses, tempera paints, assorted painting supplies. 
I have some of the best parents around at my school.  One parent in particular sends me these amazing Styrofoam pieces.  She works at a hospital, and they use them to ship supplies.  I discovered that tempera paint works great on them, so I don't even have to buy expensive paint.  The kids get to do a "canvas" project without purchasing the costly supplies!
Day 1: Introduce the content and practice writing our name as shapes.
So this unit is a Common Core tie-in.  The first unit they work on is letters.  I like my first unit to be shapes and lines.  So I've put them together in this fun, initial project.
We first look at artists who use simple shapes and lines, and discuss how they use them.  Then we focus on Jasper Johns and how he uses the shapes of numbers in his art.
Finally, we used this awesome tutorial from
How to Doodle Your Name. PDF Tutorial available. #artprojectsforkids #lettering #doodle:
On day 2 we are inspired by these paintings (I can't remember where I found the image) to create our own BACKGROUNDS for our letters.  I gave them cool colors for this day.
class projects?:
Day 2:  Cool Colors
Day 3: Warm Colored Letters
On Day 3 we use warm colors and make our letters and other details.
On Day 4 we outline the SHAPE of our letter with black and maybe add some details. 

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