Wednesday, January 30, 2013

More Birds

More Birds

I actually teach at two schools and tend to try out the same projects in different ways.  I love these birds, too.  We drew them on white paper and painted them using tempera cakes.  I did this with 3rd and 5th grade - two of these are third graders!  Good luck guessing which ones.  I teach the MOST talented kiddos.

This student actually used chalk

Monday, January 28, 2013

Illuminated Letters

4th graders learned about illuminated letters.  We looked at this presentation, already made for us and everything.  Then we drew our own illuminated letter and used gold glue to outline our designs.  This glue was previously made using old glue bottles, gold paint, and basic washable glue (I had a Watchdog Dad do this for me, since I have NO hand strength). Finally, we colored these using markers, colored pencils, and crayons.  


In an effort to do projects that are less cookie-cutter, I have been working on giving students more choice in their art.  So this project came about because there are SO MANY BIRDS circulating on pinterest.  I printed out all the "how-to" drawing pages plus posted a ton of bird images on my smartboard screen to inspire the kids.  They were allowed to choose one bird to draw -  emphasis on one bird, drawn well, with plenty of details.  Then they got to choose their paper size - 9x12, 12x18, or 12x15.  They drew their birds in pencil, traced them in glue, then colored with chalk.  I laminated them.  NEXT year I will buy some extra Elmers Gel Glue - they made the most aaaaamazing shiny lines.  I had 4 bottles sitting around that some of them used.  I bet you can tell which ones!

Group of birds (already laminated, excuse the glare)

Gel glue

Normal glue, but still beautiful

Gel glue

Normal glue (you see what I mean)

Monday, January 14, 2013

 1st Grade learned about 3 major artists last week - Georgia O'Keeffe, Vincent van Gogh, and Andy Warhol.  They compared how each artist painted the same subject: flowers.  Then they created their own flower paintings.  Here is my first class to complete their flower "canvas" (packing styrofoam that a parent donates to us).  I painted the edges black to finish them off.